Monday, January 20, 2003

Welcome ba-ack to me! Welcome ba-ack to ME! Welcome BA-ACK to ME-EEE. . . Welcome BA-ack to me!
How cold are you now? How cold are you now? How CO-old are you NOW-ow, how cold are you now?

Saw five big buzzards sitting in a tall tree. Also had staring contests with many deer.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

So yesterday I found a kitchen knife lying next to the back door steps.

Friday, November 22, 2002

Big Snow's a-comin'!!! And I am all a-giggle.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

ooohh I haven't blogged for a long time! Have been whining to my poor, put-upon friends instead! My toe is still sick. I have to do major rewrites on my Rhetoric paper. I am foiled at every turn when I try to print my newsletter in color. I don't have a cat and my face has broken out. But it'll be ok because. . . because. . .I have a great house, no rent, a loving (and tolerant) family, crazy but kind friends, my health except for the fibro and the toe, and no matter what the MLA says, I is still a danged good writer. Soon I am going to California and Thailand for six weeks, to do yoga and sit by the pool - how many other people can say that? I have straight teeth and can do a back bend. Life is good, even if I do need a Snickers now and then.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Blair Rachel.

I am happy that Bennie found such a great Forever Home (courtesy my internet promo blurb!!!). And my new foster kitty Rachel is a sweetheart...but I found three of my house crickets dead on the floor of the office this morning, their bodies forming the corners of a perfect equilateral triangle.

Friday, November 01, 2002

Yesterday at Cynthia's house I grabbed a cold Old Dominion Root Beer from the fridge. Except for some reason the Pengs were storing their ODRB next to brown bottles of home-brewed beer. I put back several gulps of fizz before I realized why this particular root beer tasted odd. I have never before had so much beer down my throat at one time. Now I remember why I'm more the Amaretto Sour type.

Happy Halloween: we watched Dead Alive and Eight Legged Freaks; I haven't had laughter-induced stomach cramps for AGES. It felt great. Slight mental slideback but I didn't need to rationalize myself out of it; I just let it go, and it went! (That reminds me; I have to take my meds tonight.)

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Lurching across campus in the rain like a soggy Frankenstein!

Monday, October 28, 2002

I want out of C-ville!
Yesterday's four-course meal did not cause anyone to get sick (that i know of), so I'll call it a successful housewarming. Except for busting my toe against the wall. Well, it's always handy to learn how to drive a stick one-footed.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

SHIT it's my mom's birthday, but in Bangkok it was her birthday YESTERDAY. SHIT. Can this evening GET any more FABULOUSLY STELLAR???????
I was a witch morphing into a cat. They debated about the existence of true backless bras, and I listened. Alice is here visiting and we went to Spices, where the service was slow but the food was good as always. Only problem was -- I couldn't taste it or really even shove it down, because I was in Pointlessly Obsessive Christina Mode, worrying about having hurt A's feelings, the ASSHOLE. JERK. BIG OLD CHICKENFACE. METAMANIACAL LOPSIDED WORMWEED. Ruined a perfectly good bowl of coconut ice cream, too. Well, I exaggerate. Nothing ever REALLY ruins a bowl of coconut ice cream.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I can't tell if my cheeks are puffy per usual or still puffy from the hives. Bennie woke me up last night by pawing my chest, which he never does in the middle of the night. I wonder if otherwise I would have slept through the swelling of my mouth and chest. In any case, Bennie is my new hero! Because of him I woke up in time to take myself to the emergency room (I drove right by the site of the Manassas shooting at 3:30 am...cozy!!).

So finally I found ample opportunity to read "The Good Women of China"! (RECOMMENDED.)

What IDIOT designs those hospital gowns?

Kudos to Prince William hospital: they still had my records from a previous hives visit 18 years ago!